About Ann

Ann Bennett IBCLC,RLC has been Board Certified since 2005. She has been a La Leche League Leader since 1998 and currently works in private practice and as the IBCLC for Luminary Birth Center.

Ann is the author of the book “The Breastfeeding Class You Never Had”. found here and as audio book found at your favorite audio book site or here

Ann nursed her own babies and believes all women can breastfeed with good information and support.  Prior to anyone even knowing what a zoom call was in 2017 Ann has done Telehealth visits with Moms across the United States and on Military bases and overseas.  She has seen over 825 Moms via zoom from 2017-2021 and mentored many other IBCLCs.   She believes helping Moms nurse is why God put her on the planet.

Ann’s goal is to work with each Mom and baby and find solutions that work for them individually, as every woman’s breastfeeding experience and baby is uniquely different and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this process.

Women may begin working with a IBCLC even before their baby is born by taking a breastfeeding class in order to get a clear idea of what to expect once they begin breastfeeding, and begin developing strategies for early implementation and initiation. It is like learning to drive a standard and shift smoothly before you buy the sports car.